Sunday, August 3, 2008

Despues de la Tormenta Llega la Calma (the calm after the storm)

I don't know what happened everything was going fine I had cooked extra healthy meat loaf with summer squash, carrots, onions and egg whites. I had my perfect lunch and all was great. But then my stomach started to ache a little bit. I think I might have to eat more carbs because I have been eating too much protein I don't know. But then my Mom , Nephew and Sister came in with Burger King bags and that was it I don't know what come over me and I ate like a crazy person. It was so disgusting and the worst part is that I felt so full, my poor stomach, I wanted to throw up (sorry for being so graphic), but I have this terrible fear of becoming Bulimic.  So I waited for a little bit for the food to settle and went out for some exercise. I jogged for 20 minutes and my stomach was killing me . I kid you not it is 10:30 pm, I ate this stuff at around 3:00 pm and I still feel abnormally full.  That food is so bad for you my body is complaining. I already apologized to myself for the sabotage. Ew, really at least I felt so physically sick that I might have learned my lesson.  Incredible and I really did not eat that much I mean 3 weeks ago I could have had twice that amount of food and kept on going like nothing happened. So I guess this is my way of looking at the glass half full. ;) I also went online and saw a lot of information that says that one Binge does not affect you weight at all as long as you continue you weight loss efforts. We'll see about that. I don't think I have the courage to weight myself tomorrow. Thank you Heather and Mizfit for your support ;) 
Jim, I know, it doesn't just sound disgusting, it is disgusting, yuck yuck yuck!
You know what I am thinking Smartones are to blame (I have their chocolate cake for breakfast twice a week). They are the only food that I have indulging in, they left the door open for that type of crap to creap into my diet.  I vow not to eat them anymore!
Tomorrow twice the exercise and Tuesday too just in case!

1 comment:

Heather said...

oh I have definitely been there! I have eaten so much that I felt that I could be sick at any point. but I focused on how horrible I felt and reminded myself of that any time I felt it ncessary to just eat and eat and eat. It sounds like thats what you did and now realize that you dont want to feel that again. Great job on forgiving yourself too...theres no reason to get hung up on a mistake. they happen and its best to just move on.